In this video, I’m filleting a few Bluefish with a knife made by my friend David Hoback who lives in Philadelphia. We are at Montauk and it was very windy that day, so it’s a little hard to hear sometimes, but you have got to see this knife in action!
It’s made from CPM-20CV steel which is a very high quality stainless steel. The knife was heat treated to 60-61 RH. It has a G10 handle with SS bolts. The blade length is 7″ and is 7/8″ wide at the handle. It is flat ground with a secondary bevel.
I asked David to make the point with a much steeper profile so the point would slide over the bones. When I received the knife it was the sharpest knife I have ever held. The first cut I made with it was effortless. The knife performed flawlessly as you can see from the video.
Keep in mind that this knife was made by a man with one eye & one arm. David was in a bad motorcycle accident and was run over by an SUV. I am amazed at the knives he is able to produce. I have acquired many knives from David and each one is extremely well designed, incredibly sharp and made with the highest grade materials available. These knives are made to be used.
If anyone would like to contact David, just contact me and I’ll send you his email.
During the course of our seven day stay at Montauk, I filleted and skinned about 40 fish without needing to sharpen the knife once. I have been filleting and cleaning for over 50 years and I have never had a knife that held an edge even close to this knife. I would say this is the best fillet knife that money can buy.
Thank you David, be well my friend.
Chief Rockhopper